Friday afternoon Adam asked if he could go outside to play in his water table. He’s starting to put words together to form sentences more frequently and so it sounded something like, “Oww-sigh, PLEEEEE mama! Oww-sigh, wah-wah PLEEEEE”.¹ Of course I had to take him out to play (he did say please after all – plus he’d already put his boots on and was pulling me by the hand).
When we got in to the garage I opened the door to the backyard so Adam could go out and then turned to put a sleeping Luke in the stroller. Adam stopped in the doorway and I heard him say, “Hi Duck!”. I didn’t think much of it, but when I turned to carry the water table out I saw them.
Yep, them are ducks.² I ran in to the house to grab a couple of slices of bread and my camera.
The female duck was not at all shy about coming forward for a snack. The male stayed further away. They really weren’t bothered by us much at all and even stuck around once the bread was gone and after I’d brought out the water table for Adam.
¹Outside, PLEASE mama! Outside, water, PLEASE!
²M R ducks, M R not ducks, O S A R, C D E D B D wings? M R ducks. (That’s pretty much all I remember from my 10th grade biology class.)
what does that have to do with bio lol
oh and I appreciate the notes you inserted lol