Playing it by Ear

We had an appointment for Luke with an ENT doctor on Wednesday. The doctor determined that Luke needed tubes in his ears and so he had the surgery today. It was sooner than I expected, but it was either that or wait a few weeks.

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So this morning, Luke and I headed out to the hospital.

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He did really well waiting before the surgery. The doctor was running about two hours late, and that’s a lot for a little kid that hasn’t had anything to eat since the night before.

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The surgery went fine. The doctor said Luke had fluid in his ears and also that there was a significant amount of negative pressure behind his ear drums, causing them to retract, which can be pretty painful for him. The tubes should help with all of that.

He was a little crabby coming out of the anesthesia, but he fell asleep in the recovery room for a while and woke up my happy little Luke Luke.

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We stopped for a quick cookie on our way out – he was starving and I didn’t think to pack any snacks. Not that it would have mattered if I did, after the morning he had, that kid deserved a cookie.

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He insisted on wearing his cape. He’s been wearing capes a lot lately, and I love it.

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Thankfully Luke has been fine all night. He and Adam even went tiger spotting earlier, using some binoculars Adam made out of rubber bands, tape, and toilet paper rolls.

2015-05-15 16.09.36Man I love those boys.

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