Playing Catch-up (again)

I started doing some preschool work with Luke last week. My goal is to do activities Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week. We worked on the letter A last week and also spent some time on patterns and colors.

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Adding eyes to the aliens.


Maggie liked the eyes too.


Adam scored his second goal last week. This picture was taken just after the goal (so close!).

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We use a desk we got from my Aunt Cathy for the schoolwork. Adam gets homework each week now that he’s a big first grader. He had his first spelling test last week, and got all 10 words right!

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Maggie has been all about puzzles lately. Thankfully, since both her older brothers loves puzzles as well, we have a bunch.

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Luke loves to play the Lego Star Wars video game. He and Adam work together pretty well – they do have their tiffs when Luke doesn’t do exactly what Adam thinks he should.


We spent a rainy Saturday afternoon at the children’s museum.

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The kids loved watching the otters and Adam even made friends with one.

20150919_145132 20150919_152622 20150919_153536 20150919_160639And that’s pretty much what we’ve been up to lately.

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