Papa’s Boy

Lately Adam has been all about Papa.

When we drove out to see them on Saturday he kept talking on the ride there about how Papa was going to “save” him (meaning rescue him from his car seat where he was “stuck”). According to Adam, Grandma would save Luke, Stacy would save me, and Rob was in charge of Dave.

Monday while we were baking cookies I said, “Grandmama makes really good cookies, doesn’t she?” (Adam had been sneaking her Christmas cookies, or cut outs – whatever you prefer to call them, the day before).  And he responded with, “No. Papa makes good cookies”.

A different day earlier this week during nap time I covered him up with his teddy bear blanket and asked him if he knew who made it for him. He said Papa. I corrected him and told him that it was a gift from Aunt Lo-lo, but he insists that “Papa made it” (sorry Lo).

Watch out Aunt Stacy, it looks like Adam might have a new favorite…

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