
Poor Maggie had to get two shots yesterday.

2015-01-30 12.52.34

I knew that we’d probably have to wait, so I (unnecessarily) packed some snacks and toys to help occupy her and Luke. They play the weather channel on the TV in the waiting area and he now has a new favorite show.

Each time they pictured a close up of the map, he’d name the places he saw. He was so excited to see all the “states-es”.  Luke isn’t the quietest kid, and he definitely impressed the other people in the room. One lady asked his age, and if I “made him learn them”.

Um, no. That’s all Luke.

He’s crazy about his “Oh-hi-Ohio” puzzles (that’s what he calls the map of the United States). He likes the really big states the best and refers to Connecticut and Rhode Island as “little babies”.

Luke is pretty fantastic. Shots are not (Maggie agrees).

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