Dave and the kids got me a cookie cake for my birthday last week. It was a busy day, Adam had church school and a soccer game that night and poor Luke fell asleep before dinner and missed out on the cake.
Maggie and Luke are both doing great at gymnastics.
Adam was so excited to send pictures of himself in his Bengals gear to my Western NY family before their game against the Bills this past Sunday.
He was thrilled that the Bengals won, but changed into his Buffalo Bills sweatshirt (they’re his 2nd favorite team) after the game, so they wouldn’t feel too bad.
Maggie is still all about her “babies”.
Adam aced last week’s spelling and math tests. Luke had fun matching up letters and going over his colors – even if we did run out of uppercase letter tiles.
Adam and his friend AJ were accidental twins yesterday. They are aren’t in the same class at school, but they ride the same bus, played on the same soccer and basketball teams, and are in the same church school class (which is where I snapped this picture). The boys thought it was hilarious and decided to wear their basketball shirts to school tomorrow so that they can match again. Adam had me text the mom of his best friend, who was also on his team, and ask that he wear his basketball shirt too.
Adam has a really great group of kids that he has chosen as friends, and that makes me so happy.