Mickey Truck

I had some errands to run yesterday and Adam saw this Mickey Mouse ride as soon as we walked in to one of the stores. He asked me right away if I had any coins in my wallet. I told him I did and he asked me if he and Luke were really good in the store, if they could please ride the firetruck on the way out.

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I agreed and he and Luke were really good in the store (well, that store at least). Adam held on to the cart nicely and didn’t ask to buy anything. This was a pretty big deal since we were in Toys R Us, though it probably helped that I stuck to only looking at clothes and diapers while we were there.

In the end I didn’t end up buying anything (they were out of the diapers I was looking for), but the boys did get to ride the Mickey Mouse firetruck. Luke quickly decided that he did not like the ride at all, but Adam loved it (he may have been allowed two turns on it).

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