Little Big Boy

About two weeks ago we saw Adam roll from back to front for the first time.  I think he’s been able to do it for a little while now, but this was the first confirmed sighting.  Then just Thursday night at Great Grandma Elsa’s house he started scooting himself around in a crawling position.  She has a longer carpet and he was grabbing it and using it to pull himself around.  We bribed him by putting a Reader’s Digest just out of his reach.  I know, I know, my kid’s weird.  Some babies would work on getting to a toy, or snack, or their mommy – my boy wanted the Reader’s Digest.  I think he likes the cute little funny stories – either that or wanted to stuff the glossy pages in his mouth.

Anyway, it seems like that was the push he needed to figure out the whole crawling thing.  He is getting better and better at it each day.  I guess his Daddy and I need to go pick up a baby gate or two – three story townhouses are not the safest for mobile babies.  Good thing we have a new truck so we can get those gates home from the store.

Yep, that’s our other news – Dave’s small little, slightly impractical, two-seat sports car was traded in on Tuesday for a  new crew cab Chevy Silverado.  It’s blue and it’s pretty!!  Um, I mean manly, yeah, it’s pretty manly.  I tried to convince Dave that I should get the truck and he should take my car….it didn’t work.

And just because every post is better with a picture – here’s one of the little dude eating carrots – another first for this past week and he absolutely loves them.

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