Just Keep Swimming

Adam just finished his third round of swimming lessons yesterday. He is in the Shrimp Class, which I find adorable. His favorite part of the lessons is the time before class starts, when he and Dave play basketball and chase the ball around the pool. His least favorite part is floating on his back. He does not like that at all. Dave can normally trick him in to doing it for a couple of minutes by having him look out the skylights and search for things – the moon, clouds, birds, Luke – whatever works.

He also likes floating on his stomach and kicking and doesn’t mind blowing bubbles in the water either. He’s turning in to a regular little fish. They have next Saturday off, but then will be starting up classes the weekend after.

It won’t be too much longer before Luke is old enough for swim lessons too. They start at six months, though we will probably wait until he is a little older. It’s nice for Adam to have one-on-one time with Dave.

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