Incredibly Interesting I Week

Last week was “I Week” in our house. It tied in nicely that Dave brought home ice cream on Wednesday. Poor Adam had to work for his treat though.

When I saw Dave walk in with ice cream I went downstairs and printed out this observation sheet for Adam to fill out.

He didn’t seem to mind a little homework before his snack though.

Here are some of the other interesting “I” things we did last week.

Adam made an igloo. I originally had planned on having him cut strips of white paper to make the blocks of ice, however I think scissors are a bit beyond his skills for right now. It would probably also help if we knew for sure if he was right or left handed. So instead I cut the paper and he used the glue stick to attach it.

We also did a couple of fun counting activities. One where he had to roll a die and count the pips (did you know that’s the technical term for the spots on dice?) and then color in the corresponding number on an inch worm.

The inchworm had twelve segments so I was able to use the numbers 1-6 twice each. He was allowed to pick whatever colors he wanted.

He also had another activity where he had to count the number of holes on a leaf and match it to the inchworm with the right number on it.

He liked that one a lot and would pretend the inchworms were munching on the leaves when he put them in their place.

Then I asked him to put the inchworms in order. He insisted on doing it from 10 to 1, instead of 1 to 10.

I think Adam’s favorite activity this week was making inchworms. He knew exactly who he wanted to make them for and chose the colors accordingly.

Once the inchworms had dried he decided which ones would get big googly eyes and which ones would get smaller ones.

He was very proud of his fleet of inchworms and was quick to correct me each time I mistakenly referred to them as caterpillars. Luke was happy to play with the puff balls too (once he realized you can’t eat them). I gave him a handful of them and an ice cube tray from the dollar store. He played for a while putting a puff ball in each spot, dumping them out, and then doing it again.

Of course there were lots of tangrams, dot-to-dots, and color-by-numbers this week as well. Adam never gets bored with them.

He insists that ice skater is really Aunt Stacy. And no, he didn’t screw up making the skates purple instead of white – I changed the color code because he really does not like using white crayon on white paper (I can’t say I blame him).

So that was “I Week” in a nutshell. It was also the first week we got to use our new magnetic white board to house Adam’s work. We picked it up at Target on clearance ($2.50 – couldn’t pass that up!). And it is working really well for us. Adam insists that most of his work live in his desk, but I’ve been able to convince him to let me show off a few pieces.

That’s an iguana above the igloo. I wanted to name him Izzy, but Adam decided his name is “Adam”. “To why Adam is a nice name” – can’t argue with that.

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