Horribly Horrible H Week

Last week was “H Week” here and I had planned on writing a big recap of all the fun things we did however, H Week got cut short thanks to a trip to the hospital after Luke hurt his head.

The boys were playing together Friday morning – running around and laughing like the wild children they are – and Adam tripped. On his way to to the ground Adam crashed in to Luke, and Luke crashed in to the DVD stand. One of the handles on the DVD stand cut into Luke’s forehead.

I called Dave and thankfully he was able to come home right away. There was no doubt that Luke needed more medical care than a kiss from mama to make it better, so we took him to the emergency room.

They first tried to glue the cut shut, but that didn’t work. So Luke ended up with two stitches instead. It was not a fun day for him.

Adam, on the other hand, declared it the best day ever and asked if maybe sometime Luke could hurt his head again so we can go back to the hospital. Apparently having Daddy come home from work, getting to talk the ear off of Luke’s very nice nurse, and a happy meal for lunch adds up to a good day for Adam.

I do have some of our “H” work to share with you. We started out the week by making a horse.

We built a house (it’s from an Easter kit I bought on clearance years ago – Adam didn’t seem to mind though).

Adam colored a picture of Humpty Dumpty.

And then we cut it in to pieces so he could practice putting Humpty Dumpty “back together again”.

I had Adam line up a bunch of hippos by size.

And there were more tangrams too. The “shape puzzles” are definitely one of Adam’s favorite activities.

There were also lots of dot-to-dot and color by number pages (more Adam favorites). And H Week wouldn’t have been complete without Hank the Hippo in a hat. Of course once Hank had a hat Adam insisted he needed a watch, shirt and pants as well.

I would have been happier about H week without the field trip to the hospital. Luke seems to be feeling fine and the stitches aren’t slowing him down at all, which is good (even if it does mean I cringe a little more than normal every time he runs near a table or dives off of the couch). Unfortunately, considering how active my two crazy boys are I seriously doubt that will be our last trip to the ER.

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