Hippo Hooray!

We took a trip to the zoo today to see the new baby giraffe and to show Mabel the hippos. The little giraffe is three weeks old and very cute.


The kids fed the giraffes during our last visit and asked to do it again today.

After we left the giraffes we went over to see the hippos.


We were able to met up with the zookeeper that Adam wrote to when the hippo exhibit opened. She sent him a nice reply and mentioned we should try to find her during our next visit. She was super nice and spent some time with us pointing out different animals to the kids and telling them their names and fun facts about them.

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It was a really fun way to spend the first part of our day. The kids wore their hippo shirts that they made for Adam’s birthday zoo trip last month. They tie dyed the shirts themselves and then I made stencils for them to use to paint on the hippos.

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Adam was excited to be allowed to finally climb up on the big rhino statue, and wanted to be sure I shared a picture here.


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