Hasta la Bye-Bye Delhi

Well, I haven’t been great about updating this while I’ve been here.  Okay, I’ve been really bad about updating.  To be fair, I’ve also been really busy.  My boss sent two people here to do a four person (or more job).  So as a result I’ve been a very busy  bee.  We’ve been working a lot of long days and a lot of weekends too – lucky me.

It doesn’t look like I’m in for a break when I get to Hyderabad either.  I’m going to be really busy while I’m there.  Thankfully, exactly two weeks from right now I will be on a plane home!!!  The good thing is that working so hard has really made the time pass quickly – so that’s a plus.

Anyway, in case you’re wondering what the weather is like here.  Here’s the current report:

I think the forecast has called for “smoke” each day I’ve been here – not fog, mist, or haze – but smoke.  Here is the view from my window right now, see that smoke in the background.

You probably don’t want to know what causes it.  I’ll probably tell you anyway.  It’s caused by the dung fires that people burn to keep warm and cook their food.  Yup, dung fires.  Awesome.

And as proof that Dave and I really did go to the Taj Mahal, here we are in front of it.

Eventually I will have the time/engery to write the full story up and include more photos.  I promise.

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