Happy Birthday to Us

My parents had Buffalo Bills Party at their house on Sunday. Maggie wore the football dress I made her. This is the second dress I’ve made, and even though it was the same pattern that I used before, it was very much a “learning experience”.

09e581a7-b7e0-43a7-92bc-9951477de1c7The biggest lesson I learned is that I really shouldn’t sew when I’m short on sleep (which is pretty much all the time, I probably should just put my sewing machine away for the next 6 years or so). You see that buffalo logo on the back of the dress? That was supposed to be the front. I got all the way to sewing the button holes and realized my mistake. I put the dress down for a couple of days and after talking to my mom and sister about it, I decided to put the football on the front (removing the buffalo and reattaching it to the front was not an option, it’s on there super securely). Even with the sewing mistakes, Maggie was a hit in her dress and we all had a lot of fun at the party (despite the Bills losing).

2013-10-13 15.02.20I did learn a lot about following (and modifying) a pattern though. I have the fabric to make a Christmas dress for Maggie and feel like I am better prepared to work on that now. I just need to get the Halloween costumes I am working on done first.

Monday was my and my sister’s birthday (I think that ‘s grammatically correct – if not – sorry mom*). Adam raided Mabel’s sticker stash and made an awesome sign for me, with some help from Aunt Stacy.

2013-10-14 11.09.56 2013-10-14 11.10.28Stacy and I went shopping and when we got back there were cakes (courtesy of Rob & Dave) waiting for us (good job husbands). Mine was a cookie cake and Stacy’s was ice cream (they went together nicely – just like us).

2013-10-14 14.16.00It was a great birthday and I loved being able to celebrate it with my sister. I’ve said many times before, that she is by far the best birthday gift that I’ve ever received and that is still true. She’s my best friend and an incredible aunt to my kids.

I’m so very blessed.

*Sometimes I imagine my mom (the English teacher) furiously correcting my grammar mistakes on her screen with a red pen (even though I know she prefers purple or green ink). I figure I am afforded a little bit of leeway since my run-on sentences and lack of commas are counterbalanced with pictures of her adorable grandchildren.

2013-10-14 14.09.36See? All better.

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