Hands on House

Another place we visited while in Lancaster County was called the “Hands on House”. This place was amazing. I wish there was one near our house because I would take Adam and Luke there all the time. They had a construction area where you could play with all sorts of vehicles and even load and unload big “rocks” (they were made out of black foam), there was a face painting area (we did not partake in this) where you could paint your own face, there was a pretend grocery store, a room full of dress up clothes, a fishing pond, a machine shop, a farm, and two tables full of Mr. Potato Heads (and accessories) to play with.

And that was just some of the inside. The outside was just as fun. There was a huge playground, a garden, a rock wall, and a giant sandbox full of toys. It was educational too. Each of the exhibits had a way of sneaking in a little lesson. For example in the fishing area you had to measure each fish you caught to see if it was a “keeper” or needed to be tossed back in the water. Adam was a little bit too young for a lot of the lessons, but that didn’t stop him from having a fantastic time.

It was awesome.

Gone Fishin’

Picking corn on the farm

At the Grocery Store (don’t worry, I was less than two feet away from Luke)

In the “Machine Shop”, building a track for the ball to travel on (Dave had a lot of fun with this one)

On the rock wall – Adam was a pro at this, thanks to all his practicing at Grandmama & Papa’s House. As soon as he saw it he ditched his shoes and ran right to it.

Adam really wanted to talk to that little girl, and she was not at all interested in him. He must have went up to her 12 times and said, “Hi, I Adam”, and finally she yelled, “I already heard you!!”. Poor Adam.

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