Go Orange

Earlier Dave and I were talking and I jokingly said that he wanted me to have our baby in Syracuse because he’s such a huge SU fan. He now thinks Otto David is a great name, should we have a boy.  I’m going to have to use my spousal veto power on that one.

Adam is completely healthy once again, which means he’s in full terror mode.  If you ask him what a cow says – he’ll tell you moo, ask about a sheep – and he’ll baaa, ask him what mommy says and he’ll say, “No no no!”, complete with index finger wagging.  It’s adorable, and unfortunately – more often than not – true. 

He loves letters and has started pointing them out whenever he sees them on signs.  I am pretty sure the couple checking out ahead of me at my last doctor’s appointment thinks he must be a genius because he kept pointing at the EXIT sign and saying, “E”.  Then I would help him with the rest.  Little do they know that almost every letter is an “E” or an “A” to my little Einstein. 

(The above picture was taken while waiting at that doctor’s appointment.  You can see the lovely knot and bruise on the little dude’s forehead.  He does not know the meaning of “slow down” and unfortunately his feet and the rest of him aren’t always on the same page.)

Adam also gets extremely excited when we are out and he sees a celebrity.  He will point and (depending on his familiarity with the star) say their name.  It’s not normally a problem, but the other day at the grocery store he made another little girl a bit uncomfortable because he noticed her Dora the Explorer jacket and kept staring, pointing, and saying “Dora” over and over as we checked out.  Some other celebs Adam has spotted: Elmo, Mickey Mouse, Diego (Dora’s cousin), and Winnie-the-Pooh – just to name a few.

Basically Adam is just as adorable as ever – probably even more so – though I’m not sure how that’s possible. 

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