Sunday was a big day for us. We flew down to Florida to visit Dave’s parents for a few days. It was the first time Adam and Luke had been on an airplane and also the first time Dave or I had flown with a child.
Adam couldn’t wait to “go on the big airplane and go up in the sky”.
We tried to prepare as much as possible for the two and a half hour flight. I had a bag packed with snacks for Adam and a couple of new books and toys he’d never seen before.
Both boys did really well on the flight. Adam spent a lot of time coloring and having us read to him. I hope the people sitting near us didn’t mind having to listen to me and Dave read the same book twenty-six times.
Luke spent a lot of time sleeping.
Adam also loved looking out the window. He thought it was “so silly” that the clouds were underneath us. At one point he tried to turn his head upside down so that the clouds were where they were supposed to be.
Adam got a little antsy near the end and didn’t like it when we told him that he had to stay in his seat (since he’s over two he had his own ticket to ride – but he don’t care). He also had a tough time getting his ears to pop during our descent and so he was crying that his ears hurt. I ended up holding him as we landed and once his ears popped he was fine.
All-in-all I would call our first family flight a success. The kids were very well behaved, our flights were on time, and no luggage was lost. You really can’t ask for more than that.