Daddy’s Ball

I had planned on going shopping alone Wednesday night when Dave got home from work. It’s amazing how enticing a quick trip to an office supply store can sound when you can go by yourself – no unbuckling car seats, no babies to carry, no need to bring a sippy cup, diapers, toys, or snacks – heavenly.

I grabbed my keys and had my hand on doorknob when I heard it, the sweetest little boy voice saying, “Ah-me too!” (“Ah-me is how Adam currently pronounces his name.) He looked at me with those big brown eyes and before I knew what I was doing I’d told him to put his shoes on. He said goodbye to Dave and Luke and we were on our way. As we walked out the door Dave told Adam to buy him a present.

Adam was really good in the car and while I wandered the aisles of Staples. I guess I should say he was really good for most of the time we were in Staples. Near the end of our shopping he sat on the floor, removed his shoes, hid them on the shelf behind some calendars and walked away while waving and saying “bye-bye shoes”.

After we were done at Staples I decided to take him next door to the Dollar Store to get a new coloring book. We color a lot (or “clolor” in Adam-speak). When I mentioned to Adam that we were going to get a new coloring book, he said, “Buy for Daddy”. That kid doesn’t forget anything. He remembered that Dave wanted a present. It was pretty much the most adorable thing I’d heard that day. He even charmed a couple of ladies that were standing near us, “Did he just say he wanted to buy something for his Daddy? Oh bless his heart. What a little sweetheart!”

So we walked down the toy aisle and Adam picked out a ball to give to Dave. I may or may not have gotten Adam an Elmo balloon in addition to his cloloring book because I was just that smitten with my handsome little man and his insistence on getting his daddy a toy. He held the ball all the way home and as soon as I opened the door to the house he ran downstairs and gave it to Dave. He was so proud of himself.

I was really surprised that he didn’t try to keep the ball for himself – it did have Mickey Mouse on it afterall. But, no, it’s was Daddy’s ball. I was less surprised when I saw the ball the next day. In typical two-year-old fashion he destroyed it.

Adam: Oh no!

Me: What happened to the ball?

Adam: Daddy’s ball.

Me: What happened to Daddy’s ball?

Adam: It broke.

Me: Did Adam break Daddy’s ball?

Adam: Yes.

Me: Is that good?

Adam: No, that bad (complete with index finger wagging).

At least he’s learning something, right?

I am too. Next time he and Dave go shopping I am totally asking for a present.

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