Cutest Little Pumpkin

We took Adam to a pumpkin patch today.  Obviously this was more for our benefit than his – we could have taken him and the camera to the produce section of our grocery store and he’d never have known the difference. It was a neat place though.  I’m sure if he’d been a couple years older he’d have had a lot of fun, he could have gotten some play time in – instead of just having his mean parents set up ridiculous poses and laugh at him.

I did take him inside the engine of this wooden train.  It was a pain to get in (literally).  I’m pretty sure it’s not meant for anyone over four feet tall.  The bruise on my sore right knee is proof.

And Dave showed him the sheep (plural), goats, and cow (singular).

Then we started the torture by camera portion of our visit. The little dude was on the fence as far as how he felt about this – ha ha – on the fence.  I crack myself up.

Sticking the poor kid in this planter was all his daddy’s idea. I would never do such a thing to him! He’s first in line to care for me in my old age – plus someone had to hold the camera.

Doesn’t it look like he just hopped out of Super Mario Brothers 3? He’s way cuter than that mustached plumber though.

Next we tried getting a nice picture of him with a pumpkin – you know, the whole reason we were there? Having him lean on the pumpkin worked out okay for a couple of minutes.  This kid is a squirmer though and so it wasn’t long before he fell off to the side.

So then we tried to prop him up against this cornstalk.  I thought it would be a nice picture.  Adam disagreed….loudly.

I did get a good photo though – thanks to Dave for setting up the pumpkins. We had him wedged in there pretty securely to keep him from tipping over in any direction.

The place we went to also had a hayride and a cornfield maze.  We passed on the hayride but did spend a little time in the maze. I tried telling Adam if he built it, they would come – but he just look at me like I was crazy. I get that look from him a lot – I can’t wait until we hit the teenage years.

We did get a nice picture of the three of us too – on the first try even.   Of course by this point Adam had lost interest in the pumpkin patch and his camera happy parents and decided a nap was a better way to spend his time.

And for the record, we didn’t end up getting a pumpkin.  So I guess we failed as far as that mission is concerned.  Oh well – there’s always the produce section…

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