Conversations with Adam, In the Van

Adam: Hey, that looks like the same garbage truck that comes to our house! See the pink thing on the side that looks like a fish?

Me: It does sort of look like a fish. It’s actually a pink ribbon.

Adam: I don’t think so. I think it’s a fish. Or maybe some of those pliers things. Yeah, it looks like a fish or a pliers.

Me: I’m pretty sure it’s a pink ribbon, but it does sort of resemble those other things too.

Adam: Let’s just say it’s a pink mystery. Maybe you’re right and it’s a ribbon thing, but it’s probably a fish or some pliers.

I’m fairly certain he was just pacifying me by agreeing to call it a mystery.

2013-11-04 13.01.18Adam: What letter does die start with?

Me: Die? It starts with a duh, duh, d.

Adam: No, die. What does die start with?

Me: Um, can you tell me what that word means?

Adam: Die, like the air up above us?

Me: Sky?

Adam: Yeah, die.

Me: Ssssss-sky, starts with S buddy.

Thankfully he’s very good at explaining things a different way when we have a communication failure.

(Completely unrelated side note: I am currently typing this while balancing two legos on my head. Thank you Luke.)

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