Earlier while Dave was in the garage trying to fix my car (which is currently not running, thus causing me to be a very literal stay-at-home-mom) and Luke was moving around the living room (I don’t think we can call it crawling, since he gets on all fours, then stands on his feet and pushes forward – but he is definitely moving with purpose), Adam and I decided to have “Art Time”. Adam requested we make something to hang on the wall (I think the hanging on the wall is his favorite part). We both got a lot of fun art supplies for Christmas so we broke out a set of alphabet stamps and went to town (note: we did not actually go to town, we stayed in the dining room, it’s just an expression and my car doesn’t work). After taking the set of stamps out of their packaging, I went in to the kitchen for a pair of scissors (to open the ink pad with) and Adam discovered a small styrofoam block which had been packed with the stamps. He ripped it in to little pieces, threw them in the air and yelled, “It’s snowing”.
The end.