Be little

Yesterday Luke discovered the potted plants that were (previously) located on the floor. While I was carrying him to the sink to wash off he released a fistful of potting soil down the front of my shirt. Thankfully he has small hands.

Lately the little guy has been standing whenever he can and I’ve even seen him let go and stand alone a couple of times. It only lasts for a second or two before he topples over, but it still scares me. I don’t even want to think about having two walkers on my hands. The Duke has also been working on his dance moves the past couple days. The theme song from Diego (Adam’s current cartoon of choice) is Luke’s favorite song to jam to.

Snuggling together while watching Mickey Mouse

On Tuesday Adam tried to attach his whiteboard to the wall. He got his hammer, held the board against the wall, and hit it repeatedly. He removed his hand and was so disappointed when the board fell. We are in so much trouble if that kid gets his hands on some nails.

While I was making lunch yesterday Adam entertained me by singing the alphabet song. This isn’t a new trick, he’s been singing it for months now, but for the first time he ended it with “now I know my ABCs”, instead of “ACDs”. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me a little sad to hear him sing it properly.

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