Lately Adam has been playing with his nativity set a lot. This make me very happy because I was really excited about getting this toy for him. I ordered it for him earlier this month and when it was delivered opened it right away. It didn’t take me long to realize that the pieces weren’t exactly like the picture on the box.
You see, our set has two Josephs. It makes for a crowded manger and we are missing a cow. We already had a cow though (my parents got Adam a bunch of animals for his birthday), so it’s not a big deal. I just feel bad for whoever got the set with double cows and no Joseph – poor single mama Mary.
Also, the little dude has decided that one of the wise men should take the place of the angel. It’s normally the one in red, but sometimes one of the other two will step in. Earlier today I asked him to bring me the baby and after studying the figures for a while he did. It was really sweet, he held the little baby Jesus to his chest and rocked him when I gave it back to him.
Shortly after that he walked over to the stairs and tossed the baby Jesus down them. Good thing Jesus loves the little children, hopefully he won’t hold that against Adam.