Adam’s Vocab

Adam’s vocabulary really amazes me. If he hears a world and doesn’t know what it means, he asks. The kicker though, is that he remembers and then will correctly use it later.


Adam: I have to get up because I need to get all situated again.

Me: What does “situated” mean?

Adam: It means I have to get all my stuff where I want it to go.


Adam: My ears hurt on the airplane and Maggie was laughing at me. I was so embarrassed.

Stacy: What does it mean if you’re feeling “embarrassed”?

Adam: It means I was feeling silly inside.


While we were at Seaworld, Adam insisted on buckling his seat belt each time he got in the stroller we rented – even after we told him that wasn’t necessary (it was actually sort of a pain because he could buckle himself in, but couldn’t undo it).

Dave: Why did you buckle yourself in again?

Adam: Safety Daddy, I’m just trying to stay alive for you guys.

(I stopped telling him not to buckle it after that, the kid had a point.)


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