Adam 7-tooth

We’re pretty sure that Adam is getting another tooth. It’s not really a surprise. He’s been Adam 7-tooth for over a month now.

I don’t see any signs of the 8th tooth when I look inside his mouth, but he’s certainly acting like there is another pearly white about to make an appearance. He’s cranky, moody, and biting. I am not at all thrilled with the biting, the cranky and moody I can deal with, the biting hurts. He drew blood today and I have a purple bruise the size of a quarter from yesterday. He got Dave pretty good tonight too. So if it is a tooth, let’s hope it comes in soon.

If you look in the sidebar I’ve started adding scrapbook pages to the website. I’m really far behind – maybe this will help me to get some more pages done – you know, in between the Adam wrangling and unpacking.

3 thoughts on “Adam 7-tooth

  1. I have several things to say,

    #1 – Adam looks old in that picture where he is coming down the hallway
    #2 – Was he just recently eating something?
    #3 – He is growing up without me….I don’t like it
    #4 – I am in love with the calendar pages where you have pictures for each day
    #5 – How many is several?

    • Stacy:
      #1 – I agree, he looks very old. Can you imagine how much older he’d look if I cut off his curls?
      #2 – A pretzel.
      #3 – You have my address and a GPS.
      #4 – Thank you. Hopefully those pages will help me go through and fill out his baby book, which I’ve been horrible about.
      #5 – Per an internet dictionary site, “an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many

      Thanks 🙂 I will see what I can do.

  2. I absolutely love reading your blog. It cheers me up and makes me laugh every time I get on here. Still waiting for pics from the 1st bday party.

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