Abandon Cart

You know what’s really fun?

When you spend 45 minutes grocery shopping at the Wal-mart with two little kids.

2015-01-29 10.11.40

You know what’s even more fun?

When you are almost done with your list and the fire alarms go off, forcing you to abandon your full cart and leave the store. It gets even better when your 3-year-old throws a fit (“my cart! my cart!”) and you have to carry both him and his sister out of the store, because he won’t walk and you no longer have “his cart”.

2015-01-29 10.13.37I have no idea why the alarm went off. I hope it wasn’t anything serious. I didn’t stick around to find out though. I loaded the kids up and we went to Target to start over.

Also, I always forget that Maggie has a leopard print coat when I dress her in those pants. However, I do feel that her outfit was totally appropriate for the Wal-mart.

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