Kindergarten Luke

Thursday was Luke’s first day.

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I asked Adam to try to sit with Luke on the bus. Luke overheard and said, “I don’t want to sit with Adam. Adam’s already my friend. I want to make a new friend.”

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I got to go into the classroom for half an hour that morning. Luke and I did a scavenger hunt together and then he got to get out some play-doh and sit with the other kids (he made a carrot store).

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He really likes his teacher (and so do Dave and I). When it was time for me to leave, he barely had time to stop and give me a hug.

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Luke’s very first year of school is off to an awesome start!

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He woke up Friday morning all set to go again.  Unfortunately for him, his second day isn’t until Monday. I don’t doubt that he’ll be ready.

2nd Grade Adam

The day before Adam started school, we went in so the boys could drop off their school supplies and meet their teachers. Luke has the same kindergarten teacher Adam had and we really like her.  Adam’s teacher is new to us, but seems fantastic too.

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Adam’s first day was Wednesday. He had a great day and was so excited to sit with his best friend on the bus and catch up with his friends in class.

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I think he’s going to have a great year!