Saturday the kids had a Home Depot Workshop. They built mailboxes.
It was Maggie’s first one and she was so proud.
Today, Adam’s class celebrated their 100th day of school. He wore his shirt from last year.
Each child had to do a 100th Day Project. Adam came up with the idea to write a book with 100 words in it. So that’s just what he did, “Adam’s Book of Exactly 100 Words”.
And yes, “the end” are numbers 99 and 100, and we included an author/illustrator biography on the back cover.
Poor Luke is still under the weather. I took him in to see the doctor today and he has an ear infection. I didn’t realize that kids could still get them after they had ear tubes put in, but apparently they can.
So they sent us home with a whole bag full of non-penicillin goodies to hopefully get him better soon.