100th Day (and some other stuff)

Saturday the kids had a Home Depot Workshop. They built mailboxes.

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It was Maggie’s first one and she was so proud.

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Today, Adam’s class celebrated their 100th day of school. He wore his shirt from last year.

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Each child had to do a 100th Day Project. Adam came up with the idea to write a book with 100 words in it. So that’s just what he did, “Adam’s Book of Exactly 100 Words”.

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And yes, “the end” are numbers 99 and 100, and we included an author/illustrator biography on the back cover.

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Poor Luke is still under the weather. I took him in to see the doctor today and he has an ear infection. I didn’t realize that kids could still get them after they had ear tubes put in, but apparently they can.

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So they sent us home with a whole bag full of non-penicillin goodies to hopefully get him better soon.

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