Random Fun

Maggie adores her little cousins.


We visited a playground after basketball camp one day.

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The boys and I went to the movies.


Luke is crazy about my brother’s dog, Bruzer.

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The boys borrowed Bruzer’s dog lead. They took turns attaching it to their clothes so they could safely rock climb.


Adam and Luke have both been all about superheroes lately.


I stole five of their superhero figurines and froze them. It was their job to free them from the ice.

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Adam and my mom won $5 playing the grocery store version of Monopoly. Adam was pretty excited, mainly because Mabel let him use the money to buy a new kickball.


Celebrating the 7th of July

I had the perfect thing for Maggie to wear on the 4th of July. When I tried to put it on her that morning though, she refused. Instead, she shoved a tutu at me and said, “princess!”


Princess indeed.

I was finally able to talk her into the red, white, and blue outfit three days later.

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Basketball Camp

My brother-in-law runs a week long basketball camp each summer. This year, Adam was finally old enough to go to it.


He had an awesome time. He learned a lot too – not just about basketball, but about sportsmanship too. Rob really does a phenomenal job with the camp.


He even got a certificate at the end of the week. He was the “Dribble Duck Duck Goose” champ for his age group.

