Let’s talk about Luke and his geography for a minute. Not only can he correctly put all 50 states on the map, but he can place the countries in North America.
And South America.
And Africa.
Seriously, all 54 countries in Africa. This kid amazes me.
So when I saw this US map fabric online, I knew I had to get it and make a quilt for Luke. When we went to the store, he saw the world map fabric and asked me if he could have “a all the countries blanket AND a all the states-es blanket”.

It took me a lot longer than it should have to finish – thanks to my imprecise sewing, cutting, or measuring skills (though really, it was probably (D) all of the above). I spent at least 5 hours bonding with my seam ripper.
This quilt was made with lots of love, and a handful of curse words.
Luke fell asleep on the couch last night. So when I finally finished it, I covered him up with it.

I came downstairs this morning and found he’d spread the quilt out on the floor and was pointing out countries. When he saw me he excitedly said, “Mommy! Look what you made!”

It was the best reaction I could have asked for.