Tree House Rocket

The kids had a Home Depot workshop on Saturday. They built plant stands, which Luke kept referring to as “tree houses.” My mom was able to go with us. She worked with Adam and I was on Team Luke.

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I love how he sticks his tongue out when he’s concentrating.

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Luke’s “tree house” also doubled as a rocket ship.

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We picked up a plant before we left for Luke’s stand and I need to replant the marigold that Adam planted in church school. I think they turned out pretty good though.

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Lego Desk

Posting the photos of Maggie’s new doll crib made me realize that I never shared the pictures of Adam’s lego desk.

One of the items I was searching for last summer (during my Craigslist binge) was a desk for the boys’ room. I hoped to find a cheap desk I could repaint and glue some lego plates on. I ended up finding this desk, which was cheap ($25), and also in really good shape. I didn’t even need to repaint it. However, it was almost too nice, and I didn’t want to permanently attach the lego plates to the top.

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So, last October when Dave’s parents visited, they helped him build this tray to place on top of the desk.


It turned out perfectly and Adam loves it. The plates are glued to the tray and the lip around the edge prevents any bricks from falling off the tray and also keeps the tray itself from shifting or falling off of the desk.

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The tray comes off of the desk easily and can be moved to the floor when we have friends over, or if Adam wants to use the desk for coloring or other non-Lego activities.

20141106_160129 20141206_092324It’s an awesome creative space and gets a lot of use, by all three kids.