Super Star

Earlier this month Adam got another 10 stickers for good behavior at school (each time they get to 10, they get a prize).

2015-02-11 21.08.34He told me before he left for school that he was going to pick a penguin key chain to put on his backpack. He changed his mind though once his teacher showed him some new prizes.

2015-02-10 20.27.53

He ended up picking a Skippyjon Jones book (his favorite series to read with Dave). He said his teacher guessed he would pick that prize once he saw it (he’s told her before how much he and Dave like the books).


I think our babysitter is really short-changing herself by not adding super awesome train track builder to her resume.


She and the kids created this fantastic track last night and the kids have been playing with it all day. We’re on our third snow/cold day off from school this week, which paired with having Monday off for Presidents’ Day, means that Adam had school one day* this week.

20150220_112215*And, as my mom just reminded me, there was a two hour delay that one day due to the weather. We’re all starting to go a little stir crazy here.

Some Sunday Shenanigans

Adam made a puppet in his church school class. His teacher told me that in all her years of doing this project, Adam was the first kid to want to put eyebrows on his puppet. I think it turned out great and am also a big fan of the handlebar mustache.


Luke asked if he could read Bruzer (my brother’s dog) a story. He stood in front of the door, described what was happening in each scene, and then said “woof woof” before he turned the page.


Maggie loved being pushed around the living room by Adam and Uncle SteveĀ (her little cousin wasn’t so sure).
