Luke Luke

Luke has been showing a real interest in letters lately and asks me to “draw” his name for him several times a day. He likes to copy what I write, but can’t form the letter K, so he skips that one.

2015-01-09 11.09.42

He’s also a whiz when it comes to the states. He can place all fifty of them on a map (I can’t even do that) and recognizes probably ten of them by sight. His favorites are South Dakota and Washington.

Luke has also been talking up a storm lately. Yesterday he said, “Mommy I want to color. Please reach up there, like a big grown-up monkey, and get my crayons? Be taller than Daddy!”

When you ask him to do something and he doesn’t want to he pretends to be asleep. Last night I asked him to put something away and he immediately dropped to the floor and started fake snoring.

Recently Maggie stole my cell phone and ran off (a favorite game of hers). When Luke saw her he said, “I’ll get your phone Mommy. I Luke* the hero!”

He is frequently on “loud” mode. The other night he asked for a snack and when I told him it was okay to go get it, but to be quiet (Maggie was asleep) he said, “Okay Mommy Trollman** I will tip-toe walk.” He then proceeded to tip-toe to the kitchen, while loudly saying “tip-toe, tip-toe” with each step.

I love this age and all the fun personality quirks that come with it.

* He pronounces his name “Yuke” instead of Luke

** One of his favorite cartoon characters is named Wally Trollman, so I take “Mommy Trollman” as a compliment