Busy, busy, busy

It seems like lately I’ve spent most of my time working on Christmas gifts and dealing with sick kids. We took Luke in to see the doctor last week and he was diagnosed with a double ear infection and a sinus infection. He’s on antibiotics now, and feeling better. This picture is from when he wasn’t feeling so hot though, napping on the couch with his “Thomas Friend”.

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Here’s Maggie and Adam after church.

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And all three of them testing out their Christmas jammies.

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This reminds me, I need to hem Luke’s pants.

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Adam with Santa at his school.

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Maggie has been working on some new teeth lately too, which hasn’t been that fun for her. You can sort of see the newest one, on the bottom row, in this picture.

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Adam made Luke a “train” out of an empty box and pushed him around the house in it.

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And here they are after baths, testing out an early Christmas gift from their great grandma Rose.

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No No NO Ho Ho Ho

Yesterday we took the kids on a train ride to the North Pole.

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Once we got there, we were allowed to get off of the train and wander around. There was a surprising lack of snow and it was a 50 degrees, which I can only assume is a record breaking high for Santa’s home town.

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They had hot cocoa and cookies and the kids spent some time coloring pictures before we went in to see Santa and Mrs. Claus.

2014-12-14 13.14.50I had them all nicely coordinated in festive Christmas sweaters and visions of a photo with three smiling kids danced in my head.

2014 12 14 Santa

The children, however, had other plans.