Our Halloween

Adam didn’t have school on Friday – thanks to parent/teacher conferences. So we went to a Halloween event at the mall near our house. Dave was able to take an early lunch to meet us there. The kids dressed in their costumes, got a goody bag, and were able to do a little trick-or-treating at the mall. There was also a magic show that we watched for a little bit. It was really, really crowded so we didn’t stay for too long (and I didn’t get many pictures).


After we left the mall, we went out to lunch.


The weather was starting to get yucky around this time. It was cold, windy, and rainy. We talked about it and decided that instead of taking the kids (who are mostly all healthy now) out trick-or-treating, we would just stay in and hand out candy.


Plus, since Maggie was the only one to take a nap, the boys were a little too wild and crazy. So we stayed in and gave out candy to the six or so kids that came to our door.


We did some Lego building, watched a movie, video chatted with the Warsaw people, ate way too much candy and just had a fun time as a family. Adam changed costumes several times and did some indoor trick-or-treating.

IMG_4179I’d say it was a pretty good night.
