
Adam had soccer tonight for the first time. He put on his shirt from t-ball and told me it was going to be his soccer shirt too. I thought he would be excited when I told him that he would be getting a new shirt tonight. I was wrong. He told me that he was hoping his t-ball shirt would be his “professional sports shirt” and that he would wear it for all the sports he played.

20140908_183926 Luke was very disappointed that he didn’t get to play soccer too. Dave said there was another boy there named Luke and the coach kept using him as an example. So every time the coach would point to that Luke and say something like “Now, if Luke has the ball…” – our Luke would get all excited and say, “Luke’s turn?!”

They actually had two different groups, one for 3 and 4 year old kids and the other for ages 5 and 6. If Adam and Luke had been in the same group, we would have signed them both up. But since they’d be going at different times we didn’t think Luke was quite ready to go alone (next year Luke Luke). He did have fun cheering Adam on though. We’re going to get a ball this week though, so Dave and Luke can play soccer while Adam is practicing.

20140908_184051 There were a total of sixteen kids and they were split in to four groups. Adam’s favorite part was trying to steal the ball from the other “team”.

20140908_192104He told me that, “If the person is wearing a different colored shirt than you, you don’t have to say please or be polite. You can just try to take the ball from them.”

20140908_192224I think he had a good time, even without his “professional sports shirt”.