The New Face of Five

Last night, at 11:55, I snuck in to the boys’ room and snapped this picture of Adam. It’s the last photo taken of him as a 4-year-old. I still can’t figure out how he got to be so old.


The birthday boy got to pick the meals and agenda for the day. He started with a blueberry waffle with peanut butter on top, sausage, and chocolate milk.


Then he moved on to coloring and cartoons, with some legos thrown in for good measure.


Then we took a trip to the playground.

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For dinner, the birthday boy asked to go to Chick-fil-a. He loves that they have a playground inside. Afterwards we went to a couple of stores so that he could spend some birthday money that was burning a hole in his pocket. We also picked up some cupcakes for dessert.



I am looking forward to seeing what fun 5 brings.
