Easter Driving

I think the boys’ favorite part about Easter weekend was that it was finally warm enough to get out Papa & Mabel’s fleet of vehicles. A couple of weeks ago, while throwing pennies in a fountain, Adam wished that they would get another green “behicle”. He was so surprised to see the latest addition parked in their driveway (thanks to Uncle Pete & Aunt Jane).

IMG_2827Thankfully all three were charged and ready to go.

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IMG_2829The Easter Bunny even used one to help hide Adam’s basket in the garage.

IMG_2855Adam was all business the next day, helping Aunt Stacy with some gardening.

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He did take a couple of breaks to chauffeur his brother around.

IMG_2900Which was good, because Luke isn’t exactly the best driver.

IMG_2903Maggie only sat in the vehicles for pictures, but I’m sure it won’t be long before she’s driving herself around the yard (or into the neighbor’s garage).
