Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Margaret.
Princess Margaret wanted to go to the ball, but her Royal Evil Stepbrothers wouldn’t let her.

And, even if they were willing to let her go to the ball, she didn’t have a gown. Poor Princess Margaret.
Thankfully, she did have a Fairy Godmama.
So, not only did Princess Margaret go to the ball, but she even danced with her not-so-evil, royal stepbrother.

The End.
Yesterday morning Adam was running around wearing that Russian hat and pretending to be Maggie’s “Evil, Royal Stepbrother”, though he always told me in a whisper that he wasn’t really evil and was just pretending each time he referred to himself that way.
He said she couldn’t go to the ball because she didn’t have a gown, but that he really did want her to go (this was also told to me in a whisper). So while he was in his room getting dressed, I did a quick outfit change for the princess. I sat her on the floor outside Adam’s bedroom and waited for him to open the door. He was so surprised and excited when he saw her. He really is crazy about that little sister of his.