Love Day Shirts

The boys painted their Valentine’s Day shirts yesterday. I let Adam pick out the designs. He decided that Luke would get a train (no suprise there) and he would have an airplane. While we were looking for a plane to use, we came across a helicopter he really liked, and so we went with that instead. We added some hearts to each design and then I traced them to the freezer paper and cut them out.

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20140212_122352I’m really happy with how the shirts turned out and can’t wait for the boys to wear them tomorrow. Luke went off the edge of the paper and Adam did a bit too. So next time I need to remember to cover more of the exposed fabric with freezer paper. They both love doing this though and it’s fun for me too. When we were done, I moved the shirts in to the other room to dry. Then I just bundled the table cloth around the leftover mess and tossed it all out.

Adam is already asking if they can make “Patrick’s Day” shirts (the answer is yes, I already have the shirts waiting).