We had Maggie’s photos taken tonight in her baptism gown. Her actual baptism isn’t for a few more weeks, but I wanted to get these pictures done early.
The gown originally belonged to my Grandma Marge, and there is a small “M” stitched on the back.
My mother (and all her brothers and sisters) wore this gown at their baptisms.
Stacy and I wore it to ours as well. I’m so happy that Maggie will be wearing it too.
It was tough to get a good picture of Maggie with that rosary (she kept trying to put it in her mouth). The rosary belonged to my Great Grandma Rose and Stacy and I both carried it during our First Communions – that’s another tradition I’m hoping Maggie will be able to continue.
She really is a pretty baby, isn’t she?
I’m so very blessed to call this little girl, and her brothers, mine.