Jolly Old Elf

We took the kids to see Santa tonight. The boys wanted nothing to do with him and refused to even stand next to Mr. Claus (they weren’t even swayed with candy cane bribes). Maggie, however, is still little enough that she didn’t have a choice.

Maggie and Santa - gftShe’s definitely on the “nice” list.


6 Month Check-up

Miss Margaret had her six month check-up today. She’s just a little peanut. She’s in in the 16th percentile for weight and less than the 3rd percentile for height and head size.

2013-11-18 15.28.59She is, however, in the 100th percentile for adorableness.

Maggie loved the way the paper exam table crinkled. She fell asleep waiting for the doctor and wasn’t pleased to be woken by a cold stethoscope. She also wasn’t a fan of the vaccines that she had to get.

2013-11-18 15.28

Poor peanut. I wasn’t a fan of the shots either (they gave her two today, along with an oral vaccine).

Do you know what I am a fan of though? That hair. It’s out of control, and I love it.

Weight Length
May 2, 2013 7 lbs 3 oz 21 inches
May 8, 2013 6 lbs 6 oz 21 inches
May 16, 2013 6 lbs 13 oz not taken
June 6, 2013 7 lbs 11 oz 21 inches
July 16, 2013 10 lbs 7 oz not taken
September 16, 2013 13 lbs 5 oz 23.5 inches
November 18, 2013 14 lbs 11 oz 23.75 inches

Sweater Weather

These last couple of posts have been a little light on the Margaret, so here you go, some adorable photos of Miss Maggie. My friend Rachel knit the sweater for her, so I took a few pictures of her wearing it.

IMG_2056 IMG_2078 IMG_2103It just happens to match her new, slightly ridiculous fabulous headband.

Rock like me, Baby

That’s Luke you hear on the recorder in the background. My favorite part of this was after his song was over and Adam asked me, “Did you see that part where I pointed the guitar at Margaret? That’s my favorite move.”

He then came up to Maggie (she was sitting on my lap), and thanked her for being the best audience ever.

Later he brought her a tambourine so she could join the band too. Look out Partridge Family, here we come.


Adam has started to get creative when it comes to boycotting rest time. On Thursday, I caught him sneaking out of his room while I was trying to get Luke to nap. I questioned what he was doing and he told me that he was “just a little bit dehydrated” and needed some water.

2013-11-08 17.50.17Friday, I was downstairs with Luke and Maggie and I heard Adam coming down the stairs. When I looked at him he stopped, dropped the backpack he was carrying, and stuck his arms out. I said, “Adam, what are you doing?” And he replied, “I’m not Adam, I’m a scarecrow. I’m keeping crows away from our front door.”

So I let him come hang out with us. Luke was resisting napping too (I think he might be trying to give them up and I’m not on board with that plan at all), and I’m not crazy about crows.


This is what we woke up to Friday morning. The boys were thrilled. Adam asked if we could go out right away to build a snowman and have a snowball fight. Luke kept saying, “Schnow, schnow, Mama, schnow!”

2013-11-08 08.55.23I would reply with something along the lines of, “Yes Luke, I see the snow.” But apparently it wasn’t enthusiastic enough for him. So he changed tactics.

Luke: Knock, knock.

Me: Who’s there?

Luke: Schnow!

I think it’s hilarious that he came up with his “joke” all on his own and I love how excited he is about it.

Conversations with Adam, In the Van

Adam: Hey, that looks like the same garbage truck that comes to our house! See the pink thing on the side that looks like a fish?

Me: It does sort of look like a fish. It’s actually a pink ribbon.

Adam: I don’t think so. I think it’s a fish. Or maybe some of those pliers things. Yeah, it looks like a fish or a pliers.

Me: I’m pretty sure it’s a pink ribbon, but it does sort of resemble those other things too.

Adam: Let’s just say it’s a pink mystery. Maybe you’re right and it’s a ribbon thing, but it’s probably a fish or some pliers.

I’m fairly certain he was just pacifying me by agreeing to call it a mystery.

2013-11-04 13.01.18Adam: What letter does die start with?

Me: Die? It starts with a duh, duh, d.

Adam: No, die. What does die start with?

Me: Um, can you tell me what that word means?

Adam: Die, like the air up above us?

Me: Sky?

Adam: Yeah, die.

Me: Ssssss-sky, starts with S buddy.

Thankfully he’s very good at explaining things a different way when we have a communication failure.

(Completely unrelated side note: I am currently typing this while balancing two legos on my head. Thank you Luke.)