Today: 09.04.2013

The kids and I had a great day today.

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I attempted to get a nice picture of the three of them to send to the teachers in my family to help brighten their first day back to school. Sherman didn’t really feel like cooperating (I wouldn’t expect anything less from him though).

2013-09-04 11.20.38 2013-09-04 11.22.39 I did get him to sit for a few seconds though.

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I wrote the alphabet on the driveway and mixed the letters all up as I did it. I then called out letters and the boys ran to find them. I thought it would mainly be Adam finding them and Luke trailing along (Luke does know almost all of his letters, but Adam is quicker to identify them normally). It ended up being about fifty-fifty though, which of them would find the letter first. The best letters ended up being M and W – because they both could stand on one (depending which direction you looked at the letter).

2013-09-04 11.42.29 2013-09-04 11.42.57 Adam got to be very competitive about it and was pretty bummed that Luke found the letter Z first.

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Luke didn’t understand why his brother wasn’t clapping with him. Adam told me he that he thought Luke won the whole alphabet. I promised him we’d do it again sometime.

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After that game, Adam decided to write all the letters himself. Luke spent the time jumping from letter to letter and yelling them out as he landed.

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That was until he found a bug to watch. He followed the bug across the driveway, and kept saying “hi” and waving to it.

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Before we went inside Adam had me draw a crown and he colored it in. Then he laid down and I traced around him. He added the facial features and ears and told me it looks exactly like him.

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