Today: 06.19.2013

This morning Adam was running in circles around Maggie. I questioned what he was doing and he told me that he was protecting her from getting stolen. When I asked who would take her he said, “the evil king that steals babies, even if their name is Eggbert.”

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Good thing we’ve Adam the Brave keeping guard. Our Eggbert is safe.

2013-06-19 08.26.00

The weather was fantastic today so the boys had lunch outside.

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Adam loved jumping back and forth between the Adam rock and the Luke rock.

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Maggie slept the whole time we were outside. She woke up with lots of smiles.

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Maggie started giving real smiles last night. This is the best picture I was able to get. It was really late and I was really tired (the smiles were worth it though).

IMG_20130619_002709It’s a little tough to tell in this picture, but I think she might have her daddy’s dimples. That makes me really happy. I’m a big fan of dimples.