Crabby Duke

This guy has had his share of cranky moments the past few days. He hasn’t been eating as much and has been more prone to tantrums.


I don’t see his two-year-molars yet, so I don’t think we can blame it on teeth. We do have a lot happening here though, so I’m not too concerned with his crabbiness (his mama doesn’t handle change well either).

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His whole world is going to be turned upside down in a couple of days, and while Adam seems to understand that we’re having another baby, Luke really doesn’t know what’s going on. So we’ve been giving him a little leeway and a lot of extra cuddles.


Hook & Ladder

Earlier today we took the boys to a local fire station’s open house.


They were a little leery about the whole experience. They were running drills at the same time and so it was really loud there.

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I think they had fun though and they each got a new hat too.


Playground Fun

We took a trip to the playground when Dave got home from work earlier.

2013-04-26 17.02.42Luke thought it was so funny that Dave was on the swings too. Adam wasn’t that impressed. He wanted Daddy to push him because his legs “weren’t working properly.”

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Our cautious kid, prefers to go down the slide on his stomach.

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Our wild child, thought falling off the end of the slide and on the ground was part of the fun.

Art Time

The boys were hard at work coloring earlier.2013-04-26 12.04.54Adam drew a picture of what he thinks the new baby is going to look like. 2013-04-26 11.54.562013-04-26 11.54.41Luke was happy just to have access to the crayons. He lost his privileges pretty early yesterday after adding to our wall decor (again) while I went to get my camera from the other room.
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Adam had a dentist appointment this afternoon. He did really well and they said his teeth look great.

2013-04-25 15.51.40On the way home he asked me when he could go back to the dentist and if we could invite the nice lady who cleaned his teeth over to our house to play. I’d call that a successful visit.


Lazy Day

IMG_0456The boys are still recovering from a weekend of fun at Papa and Mabel’s, so we’ve been having a lazy morning. We’ve done a couple loads of laundry today and Adam made that awesome necklace he’s wearing (and had a small tantrum when I wouldn’t get him “just one more” bead). Luke has visited time-out twice today (once because he wouldn’t stop slamming the door to the laundry room and again when he wouldn’t stop throwing the clean clothes around the living room).

Adam insisted on getting dressed in the new pajamas I got him over the weekend (I stayed home while the guys made the trip to my parents’ house), Luke refused to let me put pants on him, and I’m okay with that. Those are definitely battles not worth fighting today.

Right now Adam is playing a game on his “phone” (kindle) and Luke is watching cartoons. Nobody is yelling, fighting, or crying.

I’m going to chalk that up as a win and just keep it going the best I can until nap time.

Dave took yesterday off of work and helped get more things ready for the baby. The bassinet is all ready to go (complete with the new mattress covers I sewed over the weekend). He washed the swing and bouncy seat covers and reassembled them. He also put together the new rocker that the baby got from my sister, brother-in-law, and parents (thanks again guys). Adam declared the new rocker “magnificent” (I love that kid’s vocabulary) and told me he will stand next to it and rock the new baby.

I think that’s pretty much everything I had on my list. I just need to pack my bag for the hospital. That’s not really too big of a deal though – we’re about a five minute drive from there, so if I forget something it’s not exactly the end of the world.

The countdown is definitely on.

Swamp Things

Last Saturday we went to an event at a local nature center.

IMG_0361They had a bunch of fun activities planned for the kids.


Adam made a frog mask and planted some marigold seeds.

IMG_0369He took the seed planting very seriously.


Luke had fun going through the tunnel (over and over again)

IMG_0363And checking out the baby quail

Luke_quailI think his favorite part though, was the mud puddles in the parking lot. We’d had a lot of rain the day before and so there were plenty of them for him to play in.

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Name Game

Dear Baby,

One of the most common questions people asked me when they found out I was pregnant was if we were “hoping for a girl this time?” The honest to goodness truth is no, we’re not. Your gender was determined weeks before we even knew about your existence. All that was left for us to do was wait to see what God has planned for us. We are praying, the same way we did when I was pregnant with your brothers, for a healthy, happy child. That’s all that we care about.

I will warn you though, if you are a girl you have a name. If you’re not, then you might have to wait a day or two. Currently your daddy and I cannot agree on what to call you if you are a boy. We’ve still got a little time left and we’re not going to name you Elvis like Adam suggested. Worst case scenario my top choice will win (I fill out all the paperwork, when you see your daddy’s handwriting you’ll understand why).

So just keep growing little one. We’ll see you in less than two weeks! And don’t worry, if you are another little boy, eventually we’ll figure out a name.

