My New Favorite Game

Whenever I do laundry, Adam turns in to the “Laundry Beast”. He steals the piles of clothes as I fold them and demands “more laundry” in a growly monster voice. The best part about this game is that he puts the clothes away. He knows where all of my, his, and Luke’s things go and can put away everything but the clothes that get hung in the closet (Dave does his own laundry – he’s good like that).

Now, the piles don’t always end up neatly folded in the drawers, but I’m totally okay with that. Adam loves “stealing” the clothes and it’s fun for both of us (plus it’s less work for me). It does take a little longer to get the laundry done, but I love that he’s helping with chores and having fun at the same time. While he waits for the piles to appear I have him work on sorting socks (that’s my least favorite part of folding clothes). He gets really excited each time he finds a match.

Luke tries to get in on the fun sometimes too. His version of laundry beast involves grabbing random clothes and shoving them in whatever drawer he’s able to open. It’s much less helpful, but still cute. He is much better at helping me move the clothes from the washing machine to the dryer.

And just so I don’t end this without a picture, here’s one of Luke and Aunt Stacy from Saturday.

2013-03-23 11.40.21It has nothing to do with laundry, but they sure are cute.