Starting N Week

So far this week has been about trying to get back into a routine. We started back up with school yesterday. There were a couple of weeks I never wrote about, but for the most part we’d been on vacation since Thanksgiving. Now, we did do plenty of crafts, worksheets, and coloring during that time period, but it wasn’t as structured as it had been and we got away from our “Letter of the Week” format.

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So we started the new year with the nifty letter N.

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One of Adam’s goals for this year is to be able to count to 100. And yes, this is really Adam’s goal. He asks me all the time when he will be able to count to 100. For some reason, it’s something he really wants to be able to do.

2013-01-08 17.29.51So, since “numbers” start with “N” we started working on that. He has a set of 10 train cars that he got from Mabel and each car holds 10 blocks. I started with just having him fill each car and count how many blocks it took per car. I think next time we’ll work with only five of the cars and talk about how each one has ten, but together it’s fifty.

2013-01-08 18.16.57I took a set of plastic tiles I got online and numbered them 1-100. They’re not magnetic, so there’s a little bit of shifting around when he works with them, but overall he really liked them. The worksheet I had him using had some of the numbers missing so he had to fill in the blanks. It’s harder for him than when we do similar sheets with the alphabet, but I’m sure it won’t be long before he’s a pro at these too.