Tackle Adam

One of Luke’s current favorite things to do is to tackle Adam. It’s fun for both of them and I love hearing them laugh as they play together (until someone invariably gets hurt that is).

Puzzling Behavior

Me: Adam, is there anything you want to tell me about your bedroom?

Adam: No.

Me: Are you sure?

Adam: Well, I thought it would be a good idea to do all my puzzles at the same time.

2013-01-30 12.31.11In case you were wondering – not a good idea. Also, the seven puzzles, that we keep in Adam’s room – so that Luke won’t get in to them and make a mess, have a combined 272 pieces.

Mickey Truck

I had some errands to run yesterday and Adam saw this Mickey Mouse ride as soon as we walked in to one of the stores. He asked me right away if I had any coins in my wallet. I told him I did and he asked me if he and Luke were really good in the store, if they could please ride the firetruck on the way out.

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I agreed and he and Luke were really good in the store (well, that store at least). Adam held on to the cart nicely and didn’t ask to buy anything. This was a pretty big deal since we were in Toys R Us, though it probably helped that I stuck to only looking at clothes and diapers while we were there.

In the end I didn’t end up buying anything (they were out of the diapers I was looking for), but the boys did get to ride the Mickey Mouse firetruck. Luke quickly decided that he did not like the ride at all, but Adam loved it (he may have been allowed two turns on it).

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The planets have been aligned just right lately and I’ve gotten a few pictures of the boys together. They’ve all been taken with my cell phone, so the quality isn’t necessarily the greatest – but hey, I’ll take what I can get.

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This kid cracks me up.

IMG_0133He’s wearing: Two pairs of pajama pants, a belt, two long sleeve tee shirts, a sweatshirt, a Syracuse jersey (backwards), a necklace from Hawaii, penguin socks, and his dad’s old hat. Since it’s currently 5 degrees here, I’m just happy he’s keeping warm.

Blinding me with science

One night last week I was out shopping and stopped in the Dollar Store. I found these folding vases and picked up three of them to do an experiment with the boys.

2013-01-21 12.43.51I wasn’t interested in folding vase part as much as the “designer hydrating beads”. After I got home Dave entertained Luke while Adam and I got to work.

IMG_0116I had Adam pour the beads (we had blue, green, and clear ones) into an empty container and make observations about them as we went along (were they big or little? hard or soft?).  Then I added water to the tote and let him play for a little bit.

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After he was done playing, we put the lid on the box and set it on the counter. The first thing he asked me the next morning was if he could see his “speriment”.

IMG_0126We talked about the changes to the beads. Adam told me they were bigger, squishier, and more breakable (this is true, for some reason the clear ones seemed to split a lot).

IMG_0130I asked him what he thought happened to all the water that had been in the tote and he said, “I have no idea”. So I tried to explain that the beads absorbed the water and that’s why they were bigger and squishier. I’m not sure how much of that lesson stuck though, since he and Luke were much more interested in playing than learning.

IMG_0132Which was fine with me. I added some small animal figurines to the beads and Adam had fun finding and rescuing them. They played together nicely for a long time (we had to stop after Luke got bored playing with the beads and started trying to eat them).

One (Adorable) Guy

Adam has been talking about Five Guys for a few days now, so that’s where we went for dinner last night.

IMG_20130115_181337I think he was most excited about sitting in the high chair. He doesn’t use a high chair in other restaurants (and hasn’t for a while now), but Five Guys has high chairs with wheels and Adam loves pushing himself (and Luke) around. It’s like baby bumper cars. He lucked out that there were only three other diners there last night, so we let him play around a little more than we normally would.


Whenever Luke hears the bathwater start he runs right for the tub. I’ve had to stop him several times from jumping in fully clothed. His favorite thing to do is to sit directly underneath the stream of water as the tub fills up. This is so different than Adam’s reaction. Oftentimes Adam won’t get in to the bath until the tub is full and the water turned off. And if he does get in he stays at the opposite end of the tub, as far away from the spout as possible.

2013-01-10 10.07.32I love seeing unique aspects of Luke’s personality emerge and am so excited to see what this next baby is going to be like.