Black Friday, According to Adam

This past weekend I was taking advantage of some of the online shopping deals and ordering some Christmas gifts. Adam was sitting on my lap and we found a pair of pajamas that he really liked. I added them to my cart, but when I went to complete my purchase, they were sold out.

I explained to Adam that we weren’t going to get the jammies after all because a lot of other people liked them too and there weren’t any left. He told me that I needed to go to the store to go shopping, because then, if I saw someone going to buy something I wanted to buy, I could yell, “STOP, put that down!”. Then, when they put it down I could go buy it.

He’s got it all figured out doesn’t he?

And baby makes 5

On Wednesday we got our first look at Bumblebee, that’s right, we’re having another baby.

This ultrasound was just to determine my due date (May 15th for those curious). Everything looked good and we’ll have another, more detailed, ultrasound in a few weeks (no, we won’t be finding out the baby’s gender – at least not until May).

Adam and Luke both went to this appointment with us. Adam was extremely well behaved and loved seeing the baby on the screen. As we were following the ultrasound technician back to the room he had the following conversation with her, “We here to see the new baby in Mommy’s belly. Mommy already has two babies, me and Luke, but we getting too big because we eat healthy food, so Mommy has to have a new baby so that baby will be little. Mommy say the baby’s name is Bumblebee, I want to name the baby Elvis, but Mommy say no”.

I guess it wasn’t really a “conversation” since he did all the talking, that kid is a trip.

Then pretend that he is Parson Brown

We had our first snowfall of the year last night and Adam couldn’t wait to go out and play in it. So after finding last year’s snow pants (which didn’t fit too badly) and boots (which were a little snug) he was ready to go. (I did order new pants and boots this morning – thank you black Friday sales.)

Adam was so proud of their snowman. He also told Dave repeatedly that he can’t wait to help him shovel the driveway – let’s hope he’s still that enthusiastic about it in another ten years.

Mischievous Monkeys

Dave told me recently that he didn’t remember Adam being as much of a handful when he was as old as Luke is now.

I had to remind Dave that when Adam was this age he was in Afghanistan and missed out on all this fun.

Adam definitely had his moments though (and still does).

These boys certainly keep us on our toes.


I am so far behind with posting pictures and stories, unfortunately this was not my week to try and catch up. The boys and I have been fighting colds or some mild form of the plague all week. Nothing requiring medical intervention, just enough germs to make us all miserable and cranky (especially Luke, who has four teeth that are giving him grief too). I’ve also misplaced my camera and while I have tons of other pictures I could be sharing, I really want the ones that are currently hiding on my memory card.

And then there has been just the general naughtiness of the two little boys that live here. To say that they have been a handful lately would be putting it very lightly. Luke is just made of mayhem and Adam isn’t far behind him. Adam, who told me he really wants to learn to count to 100 (he can get to 49 on his own) and correctly used the word “periscope” in a sentence yesterday, was responsible for this bit of graffiti. He told me that he was just trying to decorate the wall to make it pretty for me.

His punishment was that I took all of his crayons away from him. Shortly after that he refused to pick up some of our other school supplies and so an added punishment was that we didn’t do school today. I wasn’t sure about that as a form of punishment, but it really, really bothered him. I just hope he doesn’t start coloring on the walls to get out of going to class when he’s a seventh grader.

Every Boat Counts

I took the boys with me this morning to go vote. Adam was so excited to go “boating”. This was actually the fourth year Adam’s gone with me to vote (Luke’s second).

On the way there I asked Adam if he would vote for Mr. Romney or Mr. Obama. He thought about it for a minute and told me he wants to vote for Grandma and Papa.

Good choice buddy.

X is for Xylophone, because X is always for Xylophone

I am playing catch up here, so bear with me. We actually had “X Week” October 22-26.

X isn’t wasn’t the easiest letter to work with, but Adam didn’t seem to mind. I actually over-planned and had a few activities we didn’t get to.

My favorite project of the week was the “x-ray” we did of Adam’s hands.

Adam really liked playing with his alphabet magnets, he had to fill in the missing letters on the pumpkins.

This next picture has no purpose, other than to show you Adam’s inside-out and backwards pajama pants.

Adam also liked putting these xylophone pictures in order.

And of course there was lots of coloring (by number and without) and connecting the dots.

In that last one Adam connected the dots in green, but couldn’t tell what it was supposed to be – so I redid it in black.

And one more picture before we go showing our new calendar (thanks mom and dad). It’s much more Adam-friendly than our old one and he loves being able to pick the weather for each day.

So that was the eXtent of our eXciting X week.