Sweet Boys

Adam has me figured out, he knows if he says, “Mama will you get me those jammies please and can Luke match too?” That I will cave. But really, matching flannel Mickey Mouse football pajamas – how could I resist?

As soon as Adam finished dinner tonight he asked if he could wear his new jammies. Once he was properly attired he told me that Luke wanted to wear his too.

I think these new pajamas are guaranteed to produce sweet dreams.

Oh, and speaking of dreams, Adam has started to remember his a little bit. After he woke up this morning he kept squeezing his eyes shut. When I asked him what he was doing he told me he was trying to go back to Aunt Stacy. He said “we were going to go somewhere, but I don’t know where. I need to ask her”.

One night last week he woke up screaming at 4 AM. I ran in to his room and asked what was wrong. He told me, “Mama, if we go to the moon, we can’t take our house with us. Our house is too heaby (heavy) to carry to the moon”.  I told him that we would take boards and nails and build a new house on the moon. He thought about it for a minute and then told me that I am not tall enough to build a roof. So I told him we’d take a ladder to the moon too. He seemed okay with that plan, rolled over and went back to sleep.

Silly kid.